the new paradigm of parenting


the new paradigm of parenting

You’ve got the desire to take a different parenting path, you just haven’t found the right roadmap. Until now.

You’re here because you’re seeking a more modern, more intuitive, more value-aligned approach to parenting. 

One that helps you regulate more effectively as a whole family and experience more of the Ventral Vagal state together. 


An approach that knows that what matters most, is what you do as a parent starting now...

...while holding space for experiences from your past that need neurological releasing and rewiring.

One that goes beyond “conscious parenting” and isn’t based in more theory or talking, but in experiential, practical strategies and integrated practice.



The Reconnected has become a global parenting movement, with over 70K followers on instagram, and tens of thousands of parents joining our community over the past three years.

We combine a unique blend of science (Eleanor is a counsellor and play therapist, with a background in psychology, and has worked with families for over 15 years) and spirituality (Emma is a yoga teacher who founded the community New Earth Mama), to help parents to find simple and quick solutions to parenting in a way that makes their heart sing.

What if you could become the parent you’ve always wanted to be, in just 6 weeks?

Not the perfect parent (because that doesn’t exist), but the present parent who is fully equipped with proven tools and practices that allow you to break old patterns, ditch the guilt, bring calm to the chaos, and connect with your child in a deep, peaceful, magical way.

You can exhale now. You’ve found what you’ve been searching for.

We call this Reconnected Parenting, and it’s as soul-shifting and life-changing as it sounds.


Become a reconnected parent

When you become a Reconnected Parent...

Instead of responding with rage



You don’t need to respond with rage when your tiny human throws an epic tantrum.

You’ll instinctively know how to diffuse the charge, hold a safe space for them to process their emotions, and make them feel fully seen, heard, and understood 


Instead of being constantly triggered



You don’t have to spend your evenings lying awake at 2am wondering what’s wrong with you and why parenting feels so hard.

You’ll heal and rewire old patterns and become a positive role model to your child, however old they are.


Instead of feeling tiredness and impatience



Instead of feeling like tiredness and impatience mean you don’t have the capacity to nurture your child’s creativity and enthusiasm for life.

You’ll know exactly how to interact with them in a way that helps them express themselves and flourish.


And so much more...


But don't just take our word for it!



Hear how her relationships with her children, husband and her own mother! flourished by learning the tools in Reconnected Parenting. 



Inspiring mama, has used the tools of connected play to elevate her every day life with her child, now the tools we teach have become her go to resource for calm and connection! 



Social worker, Meaghan shares how thankful she is for the gifts Eleanor & Emma have given in Reconnected Parenting.



Hear how her relationships with her children, husband and her own mother! flourished by learning the tools in Reconnected Parenting. 


Inspiring mama, has used the tools of connected play to elevate her every day life with her child, now the tools we teach have become her go to resource for calm and connection! 


Social worker, Meghan shares how thankful she is for the gifts Eleanor & Emma have given in Reconnected Parenting.

Veronika & Aklesha

Parents of 2 children, they learnt how to process their triggers & have found more harmony and expansion in their day to day life. 

Since completing Reconnected Parenting THE WHOLE VIBE at our house has changed.  I didn't expect the way the approach helps me to stay calm and hold the space.  It is so wonderful. 




"Hard days are just different now. They still happen, but the repair is SO fast and I don't end the day feeling guilty anymore...My kids use to be dysregulated all the time, but that's all changed since I joined the Reconnected Parenting course."

Our results

from our Reconnected Parenting community


98% of people feel more present with their children.


100% of people felt better equipped to support their children emotionally.


90% of parents experienced healing and new awareness of their own childhood.


92% of parents are less triggered by their children

The reason these results are profound is because our methods are profound. 

Reconnected Parenting is unlike any other parenting course, 

because it’s far more than something you start, finish and then forget about. 

Reconnected Parenting is a way of life.

Once you integrate the practices within our incredible method and start using Connected Play regularly, your whole relationship with parenting, with your child, and with yourself will shift permanently. Once you go through this exponentially healing experience, you’ll wonder how you ever managed before! 

When you join, you’ll get immediate access to:

Course Curriculum


Your guides Emma and Eleanor (you’ll meet us a bit further down the page!) will take you on a beautiful journey of coming home to the parent you know you truly are.


The Reconnected Parenting Course curriculum includes professional, easy-to-fit-into-your-busy-day videos, guided audios and meditations, and written materials. 

Everything has been designed to help you internalize and integrate what you learn into your everyday life. 

This is not about giving you theory, it’s about giving you tools of transformation. 

You have access to the program forever. So any time you want to return to the content after the initial six weeks and deepen your Reconnected Parenting approach, you can.

There are always new levels to parenting, and this program will support you through all of them. 

Community Forum


As parents, you can sometimes feel like you’re completely alone.


Like your situation is so particular that nobody could possibly understand how you’re really feeling. Especially when it’s the middle of the night, you’re exhausted, and you’re swimming in the guilt of all the things a 'great parent' would have done that day, but you didn’t. (Note: that 'great parent' you see on Instagram is probably feeling the exact same way.)

When you join us and the forum of hundreds of other kindred spirits, you’ll never have to feel alone again.

The Reconnected Parenting community is one of people’s favourite aspects of the program because they are finally accepted for the perfectly imperfect parent they are. No judgement. 

You’ll have a whole new family who aren’t just going through similar experiences, they're also taking a different approach to handling them. They want to be part of the new paradigm of parenting right alongside you.

When you join, you’ll get immediate access to:

One ~ Curriculum


Your guides Emma and Eleanor (you’ll meet us a bit further down the page!) will take you on a beautiful journey of coming home to the parent you know you truly are.


The Reconnected Parenting curriculum includes professional, easy-to-fit-into-your-busy-day videos, guided audios and meditations, and written materials. 

Everything has been designed to help you internalize and integrate what you learn into your everyday life. 

This is not about giving you theory, it’s about giving you tools of transformation. 

You have access to the program (and any upgrades that are made) forever. So any time you want to return to the content after the initial six weeks and deepen your Reconnected Parenting approach, you can.

There are always new levels to parenting, and this program will support you through all of them. 

Two ~ Coaching




This is a unique and supremely valuable opportunity to access our many years of experience and wisdom and have it applied to your specific parenting situation. 

There’s almost nothing we haven’t already come across in some shape or form. Either because we’ve gone through it ourselves (we have 9 children between us — no mean feat!) or because it’s come up with one of the thousands of parents we’ve supported before.

If you have any questions, or would like us to go deeper on a specific topic, simply share your questions in the forum, and we and our team will be there to help with open arms and open hearts. 

Twice a year we guide you through the entire course LIVE, meeting weekly for live group breath sessions and coaching. When you sign up for the course materials with forum coaching, you can join LIVE rounds for an 'existing members only' reduced fee. 

Three ~ Community 


As parents, you can sometimes feel like you’re completely alone.


Like your situation is so particular that nobody could possibly understand how you’re really feeling. Especially when it’s the middle of the night, you’re exhausted, and you’re swimming in the guilt of all the things a “great parent” would have done that day, but you didn’t. (Note: that “great parent” you see on Instagram is probably feeling the exact same way.)

 When you join us and the forum of hundreds of other kindred spirits, you’ll never have to feel alone again.

 The Reconnected Parenting community is one of people’s favourite aspects of the program because they are finally accepted for the perfectly imperfect parent they are. No judgement. 

 You’ll have a whole new family who aren’t just going through similar experiences, they're also taking a different approach to handling them. They want to be part of the new paradigm of parenting right alongside you.

Doors to Reconnected Parenting Open in February 2023.


Join the waitlist!



"Immediately, I guess I had a channel for processing and regulating myself, and then instead of the escalation of the emotion, where it had no where to go but be the outburst, I had this...it just was an immediate shift in our home energy."


Let’s take a closer look at what you’ll be transforming from the inside out over the six weeks and beyond. 

Become a Reconnected Parent


Let’s take a closer look at what you’ll be transforming from the inside out over the six weeks and beyond. 

Become a Reconnected Parent

Doors to Reconnected Parenting Open in February 2023.


Join the waitlist!

Meet your guides 

Emma and Eleanor, who have 9 children between them and over 16 combined years of therapeutic practice

Eleanor Mann


Eleanor is registered counsellor, holding a BA of Social Science (Counselling), a BA of Psychology (Hons), a Diploma in Breathwork, and a Grad Diploma in Child Centred Play Therapy. Eleanor is Co Founder of Reconnected Parenting and brings to the program a decade of working with parents as a counsellor, breathworker and play therapist, and over 15 years of personal practice in Breathwork and personal development. 

Emma Alta


Emma has been known as New Earth Mama for many years, a successful self published author with Mastery in Rebirthing Breathwork, Kundalini Yoga Teacher, Certified Advanced Theta Healing & Mind Body Intuitive, seeing thousands of clients with powerful testimonials. In her past she has been professional ballerina, and top model working for vogue, harpers bazaar and walking in London, Milan, Paris and Sydney Fashion week shows. Now, she is walking the path of conscious living with her young family on the East coast of Australia.



"I joined the Reconnected since it first launched in 2019 and it has since become a really solid anchor in my life. It's given me the skills to stop myself spiralling down that despair of guilt when I am not able to hold myself with my children and its expanded my window of tolerance by a lot!"

What our community members are saying

During the program I had a deep healing experience where I saw his spirit and it was just so sweet and playful.


Yoni, Hawaii


As soon as you sign up, you feel energetically connected to the whole community.
The connection with other likeminded parents made a difference to me. 


Chatelle, Victoria, Australia


The Connected Play is absolutely amazing.
It has far exceeded my expectations and given me ways to support my kids.


Michelle, Columbia  


Being able to identify my triggers has been a huge takeaway for me and OMG I love the breathwork!



Tara, Australia


One of the major things I have noticed is that I am way more present and deeply connected with my children.


James, Sydney 


I knew there was some old patterns and emotions that needed shifting in my life. 
I am BLOWN away by how easily the Reconnected Parenting has helped me to change my day to day parenting for the better. 
Kim, Australia